Character Name: Li Kao
Player Name: James Cade
Race/Class/Level: Human /Cleric 3/ Wizard 3
Alignment: Lawful Good
Homeland: Minkai
Diety: Irori

Racial Abilities:
Skilled ( +1 Skill point/level)
Bonus Feat (1 extra feat at 1st level)

Class Features:
Channel Energy (2d6, 6/day, heal all living within 30' or harm all undead, DC 14)

Domain-Knowledge (all knowledge skills are class skills)
:Lore Keeper ( touch attack equal succesful knowledge check at DC 15+cleric lvl+ wis mod)

Domain - Healing
:Rebuke Death (heal 1d4+half level with touch, 6/day)

Spontaneous Casting ( swap prepped cleric spells for healing spells)

Arcane Bond - Prayer Beads (cast any 1 wizard spell from spellbook 1/day)

Specialty School - Abjuration (barred: Necromancy, Evocation)
:Resistance ( gain resistance 5 vs 1 energy type chosen daily)
:Protective Ward (+1 deflection AC to all allies w/in 10'for 3 rounds, use 6/day)

-Bonus: Scribe Scroll
-Combat Casting
-Brew Potion
-Investigator (+2 Sense Motive, Diplomacy)
- Great Fortitude (+2 fort save)

Spells -Cleric:

0 lvl (unlimited/day)
: Detect Magic
: Read Magic
: Light
: Purify Food/Drink

1 lvl (3/day +1 Domain, DC 14)
:Protection from Evil
:Shield of Faith
:Comprehend Languages

2 lvl (2/day +1 domain, DC15)
: Sound burst
: Summon Monster II
: Detect Thoughts

Spells - Wizard:

0 (unlimited/day)
:Acid Splash

1st lvl ( 3/day +1 school, DC14)
:Colour Spray
:Enlarge Person

2nd lvl (2/day+1 school, DC15)
: Glitterdust
: Protection From Arrows
: Protection from Arrows

Spell Book

0lvl: resistance, acid splash, detect magic, detect poison, read magic, daze, ghost sound, mage hand mending, message, open/close, arcane mark, prestidgitation

1lvl: shield, colour spray, enlarge person, sleep, hold portal, alarm, endure elelments, grease, mage armour, reduce person, touch of gracelesness

2lvl: cat's grace, create pit, detect thoughts, fox's cunning, glitterdust, protection from arrows, spider climb, web

3rdlvl: blink, haste, shrink item

Items Worn
Neck: Amulet of Natural Armor +1



Usually found sleeping under a tree using his sack as a pillow, or intently studying a bug on a leaf with his glass, giggling while he takes the odd swig from his gourd, Li Kao is a drunken genius who is a bit of a misanthrope and underachiever. He is consistently found passed out near the pond of the temple with a wine gourd around his neck.

Generally Li Kao finds violence is for ‘sub-mentals.’ If forced into combat he will go into ‘turtle’ mode.
Irorian Prayer Beads

This strand of prayer beads is Li Kao's bond to the arcane. They allow him to cast any one spell he knows from his wizard's spell book once per day without memorizing it before hand. If Li Kao attempts to cast a wizard spell without his prayer beads at hand he must pass a concentration check or the spell fails. Li Kao has infused some of the beads on the strand with additional magical powers:

:Bead of Blessing - cast bless 1/day
:Bead of Healing - cast cure serious wounds, cure blindness/deafness, or remove disease 1/day
Touch of Gracelessness (Wiz 1): Subject loses 1d6+1/2lvls Dex and is prone to falling down.

Create Pit (Wiz lvl2): Creates an extra dimensional pit.

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